NDC Concepts, Introduction to ATMs with NDC, XFS Device Programming with VB.NET
A 2-day training course covering the basic elements of the NDC ATM environment. Suitable for anybody involved in NDC Switch Operations, Support or Development. It is foundation training on how NDC works. Provides concept training for ATM software solutions which are not 'NDC' but, use the NDC Message-Level Architecture for communicating with the ATM switcht
NDC ‘Direct Connect’ Concepts Training
A 5-day training course which covers the concepts of the, industry standard, NDC ‘Direct Connect’ Environment. Suitable for anybody involved in any aspect of NDC ATM Operations, the course introduces the candidate to the fundamentals of the NDC environment. Suitable training for any ATM vendor - NCR, Diebold-Nixdorf, GRG
XFS Device Programming with VB.NET
A 2-day training course introducing XFS Device Programming. Using Visual Basic, the course is workshop based, with some classroom teaching. By the end of the course, the candidate will have a working, XFS based, ATM mini-application
ATM Software Ltd provides Consultancy on a variety of ATM Projects, Systems Integration, Products and Services products and services
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